Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pods Designed for Napping

MetroNaps is a new take on an old idea providing purpose built comfortable facilities for a daytime powernap in city locations. The concept of daytime naps was once a ritualistic part of all our lives as children and in many latin and equatorial countries, the siesta is still a part of the culture. Even NASA has investigated the benefits of controlled naps and found was that performance was improved 34 percent and alertness improved 54 percent.

People just love to isolate themselves from their environment during or after a tough day at work with lights, music and a relaxing posture to take pressure off the heart and troubled mind. Advocates, such as Winston Churchill, Leonardo Da Vinci and Albert Einstein, have preached the benefits of a power-nap and even we second their thought. Have a look at some of the most interesting sleeping pods that simply offers a relaxing place for a power nap to shed the hectic day at work.

Metronaps EnergyPods have been especially designed for powernapping at work. The cocoon-like modest sleep pod is a room inside a room. When you are very exhausted from your hectic schedule and need to take a nap, all you need to do is to get into the EnergyPod. The pod reclines and closes a privacy shield around you.

Nature-inspired and incorporating cutting edge technology is how Lomme line of luxury beds could be described. Lomme stands for Light Over Matter Mind Evolution and the product is an outcome of two-years’ research into various facets of sleep. Designed by Günther Thöny of Thony Projekt, the bed itself is designed like an eggshell and the pod-like structure seems a perfect place to rejuvenate after a tiring day out. Form and function of Lomme employ best that art and technology has on offer.

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